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Last Outcast Oracle

A 12 Oracle series titled "Epochs" features Oracles relating with each Gregorian calendar month (January, February, March...). Alongside these Oracles, there are stories and mythos, developed from 2020 onward.

June's Oracle focuses on what it means to be ostracized, having to fight for freedoms readily afforded to others, and being estranged from those who believe your very existence is an affront to whatever omnipotent bullies they conjure up in their imaginations.

Each Epoch centers on its own art form. Using Photoshop's (ethical) generative AI program, I am able to bring to life what has taken years to develop from my vision. I do not have the funds necessary outside these means, so, ironically, AI has been a democratizing tool. Utilizing this service embodies the same theme seen throughout the deck of coming up against obstacles which others might judge without merit.

Every deck tells a story and embodies the traits typically associated with Tarot and Oracle cards. June includes my rendition of the RWS Major Arcana, the four suits, and the 22nd Major Arcana Tarot card titled "Transfigure", an inspiration I had while writing poetry for Inkwell Tarot. The remaining cards are ideas from over the years which finally found their home in Last Outcast.

These concepts are my own, and, with the help of Photoshopping skills I have been honing since high school, I have found a voice for them.

A deck will be available soon on for print-on-demand. There may be a special series released alongside the other decks after they have all been completed (which might take years). In the meantime, I am linking the deck to my Spotify account, for which every card has a corresponding playlist in progress.


Each month on Spotify will feature all the cards from that Epoch's series and be displayed on my public profile. You can follow any of these playlists even if they are not on display. When the deck is released, you can pull a card then go to its playlist to build on the message through song titles, lyrics, and other insight embedded into their musicality.


Right now, you can simply hit "shuffle" to play a random song in a playlist of your choosing. These lists are also a work-in-progress and have undergone multiple changes since their inception in 2020. They will grow their own way alongside my taste, education, and experiences.

I hope you find happiness, peace, and insight through these Epochs.


Enjoy being the black sheep; it means you're rare.

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